Nordic food systems for improved health and sustainability


Nordic countries can be a perfect leader in making the global food system healthier and more sustainable, but so far they are falling short on several dietary, health and environmental goals. Current diets in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland* are contributing both to public health problems and a range of environmental impacts.

About half the population is overweight, meat consumption is at least 4.5 times in excess of EAT-Lancet guidelines and food waste is a major problem. Yet, the Nordics can build upon the many strengths of their food systems – including world-class dietary guidelines, strict agricultural regulations and innovative solutions to societal challenges – to show the world that healthy and sustainable diets are within reach. These are some of the conclusions of a report written by researchers from Sweden and Austria, commissioned by the National Food Agency in Sweden.


Theme affiliation: Food
Publication info: Wood, A., Gordon, L.J., Röös, E., Karlsson, J.O., Häyhä, T., Bignet, V., Rydenstam, T., Hård af Segerstad, L., Bruckner, M. 2019. Nordic food systems for improved health and sustainability: baseline assessment to inform transformation. Stockholm Resilience Centre; Stockholm.

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