Centre kicks off new collaboration with Universeum science centre
New project called One Connected Ocean will communicate and visualise latest science on marine sustainability
Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC) and the Swedish national science centre Universeum continue to develop their joint efforts to bring the latest science on climate change and biosphere stewardship closer to people’s attention.
With a 1,8 million SEK funding from the Swedish research council Formas researchers from the SRC and experts from Universeum’s own oceans science lab will develop outreach material to show how the ocean, human well-being and environmental issues are connected.
"One Connected Ocean" includes two initiatives: Sustainable Ocean and Marine Field Lab. The Sustainable Ocean theme is designed for teachers and students at elementary school level, while the second theme will provide visitors to Universeum the opportunity to better understand the role water plays in our lives, from world trade to cooking food. Both themes will be closely linked to Universeum’s new Visualisation Lab and their popular rainforest section and aquariums.
The goal of both communication efforts is to contribute to the UN Decade for Marine Research and Sustainable Development, more specifically challenge number 10, "Change humanity's relationship with the ocean".
Since its launch in 2001, Universeum has developed into one of the most popular arenas for science outreach in Sweden. It attracts more than 600,000 visitors each year, with 75,000 of them teachers and students.