A new urban narrative for sustainable development


Our planet is rapidly urbanizing. Research has recognized the complexity of city-driven dynamics, but our political realities have yet to catch up. A new narrative of sustainable urban development must become central to global policymaking to help humanity respond to the most pressing social and environmental challenges.


Theme affiliation: Development
Link to centre authors: Elmqvist, Thomas
Publication info: Keith, M., Birch, E., Buchoud, N., Cardama, M., Cobbett, W., Cohen, M., Elmqvist, T., Espey, J., Hajer, M., Hartmann, G., Matsumoto, T., Parnell, S., Revi, A., Roberts, D., Saiz, E., Schwanen, T., Seto, K., Tuts, R., van der Pütten, M.. 2022. A new urban narrative for sustainable development. Nature Sustainability. doi.org/10.1038/s41893-022-00979-5


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