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Research news | 2023-11-13
Humankind risks getting stuck in 14 evolutionary dead ends, ranging from global climate tipping points to misaligned artificial intelligence, chemical pollution, and accelerating infectious diseases
Research news | 2023-05-16
Lack of self-sufficiency and diversity in crop production remain main risks to national food supply, new study finds
Research news | 2023-01-30
Humankind’s best chance to deal with looming turbulences and crises is by diversifying response strategies
Research news | 2023-01-30
We are facing the worst food crisis in modern history – Sweden and the EU need to take action to shift how food is produced and consumed. That was the message from researchers to policymakers during a high-level meeting for the Swedish government at Stockholm Resilience Centre
General news | 2022-12-22
Shifts in the scientific leadership of SRC in the new year
Research news | 2022-10-24
Synthetic chemicals and GMOs can lead to lock-ins and surprises in food systems that must be navigated in transformations to sustainability
Research news | 2022-03-07
Promotion will boost centre’s research on biosphere stewardship and help develop the field of sustainability science
Research news | 2020-10-09
A successful implementation of “panarchy” thinking in the US may boost reforms of environmental laws and policies
Research news | 2020-05-29
Transforming our planet into a production plant for food, fiber and fuel paves the way for new and widespread risks. It may define our future
Research news | 2020-01-26
Recent colossal rise in human pressure on ocean quantified in new study
Research news | 2019-11-06
Humans have transformed much of the planet to produce more and more food, fibre and fuel, now we need to radically transform this global production ecosystem. Centre researchers offer perspectives in Nature's exclusive 150th anniversary collection
Research news | 2019-09-16
A handful of transnational corporations hold enough power to accelerate (or hinder) transformations towards sustainability
Research news | 2019-07-28
Sophisticated risk frameworks operated by many international organizations, companies and governments ignore rapidly evolving global risks driven by environmental change
Research news | 2019-02-21
Coral reefs face a new reality dominated by human impact and it is time for traditional coral reef ecological paradigms to follow suit
Research news | 2019-02-13
New study uses machine learning and an unprecedented dataset from more than six hundred reefs to analyse coral reef tipping points
Research news | 2016-11-02
How much more fishing, nutrient pollution and climate change can the world’s coral reefs endure?
Research news | 2016-06-23
Songwriter PJ Harvey provides inspiration for paper calling for radically new thinking within marine research
Research news | 2015-09-21
Centre researchers featured in Ecological Society of America most influential papers ever
Research news | 2015-04-20
Global seafood trade leave consumers unaware of over-exploited marine ecosystems
Research news | 2015-01-08
Algae-eating fish are key to avoiding regime shifts of Hawaiian coral reefs, study finds
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