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Our research is regularly published in top-ranked scientific journals. Search for specific publications below
Journal / article | 2022
Banitz, T., T. Hertz, L.-G. Johansson, E. Lindkvist, R. Martínez-Peña, S. Radosavljevic, M. Schlüter, K. Wennberg, P. K. Ylikoski,and V. Grimm. 2022. Visualization of causation in social-ecological systems. Ecology and Society. ES-13030-270131
In social-ecological systems (SES), where social and ecological processes are intertwined, phenomena are usually complex and involve multiple interdependent causes. Figuring out causal relationships is thus challenging but needed to better understand and then affect or manage such systems. One important and widely used tool to identify and communicate causal relationships is visualization. Here, we present several common visua...
Journal / article | 2021
Elsler, L., Frawley, T., Britten, G., Crowder, L., DuBois, T., Radosavljevic, S., Gilly, W., Crépin, A., Schlüter, M.. 2021. Social relationship dynamics mediate climate impacts on income inequality: evidence from the Mexican Humboldt squid fishery. Regional Environmental Change.
Small-scale fisheries are critically important for livelihoods around the world, particularly in tropical regions. However, climate variability and anthropogenic climate change may seriously impact small-scale fisheries by altering the abundance and distribution of target species. Social relationships between fishery users, such as fish traders, can determine how each individual responds and is affected by changes in fisheries...
Kozlov, V., Radosavljevic, S., Tkachev, V. & Wennergren, U. 2021. Global stability of an age-structured population model on several temporally variable patches. Journal of Mathematical Biology 83(6–7), 68.
We consider an age-structured density-dependent population model on several temporally variable patches. There are two key assumptions on which we base model setup and analysis. First, intraspecific competition is limited to competition between individuals of the same age (pure intra-cohort competition) and it affects density-dependent mortality. Second, dispersal between patches ensures that each patch can be reached from eve...
Elsler, L.G., Frawley, T.H., Britten, G.L. et al. Social relationship dynamics mediate climate impacts on income inequality: evidence from the Mexican Humboldt squid fishery. Reg Environ Change 21, 35 (2021).
Journal / article | 2020
Radosavljevic, S., Haider, L.J., Lade, S.J. and Schlüter, M., 2020. Effective alleviation of rural poverty depends on the interplay between productivity, nutrients, water and soil quality. Ecological Economics, 169, p.106494.
Most of the world's poorest people come from rural areas and depend on their local ecosystems for food production. Recent research has highlighted the importance of self-reinforcing dynamics between low soil quality and persistent poverty but little is known on how they affect poverty alleviation. We investigate how the intertwined dynamics of household assets, nutrients (especially phosphorus), water and soil quality influen...
Martin, R., Radosavljevic, S. and Schlüter, M., 2020. Short-term decisions in lake restoration have long-term consequences for water quality. Regional Environmental Change, 20(3), pp.1-12.
Ecological regime shifts from clear to turbid water states in shallow temperate lakes are quite well-investigated phenomena but critical time lags from human interaction with the lake and restoration activities are much less understood. This is a complex challenge for institutions who manage lakes but are usually less familiar with non-linear dynamics, slow and fast influences on water quality and how to manage those from a so...
Stockholm Resilience Centre is a collaboration between Stockholm University and the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
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