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Our research is regularly published in top-ranked scientific journals. Search for specific publications below
Book chapter | 2022
Castro, A., Prádanos, L.. 2022. Retos estéticos del postdesarrollo: imaginarios no extractivos y futuros postfósiles en medios culturales andinos. Post-Global Aesthetics.
Journal / article | 2022
Castro, A. 2022. Vernacular sustainabilities—multispecies stories and life-death entanglements of the sertão nordestino in contemporary Brazilian futurisms (the film Bacurau and the sertãopunk comic Cangaço Overdrive). Humanities.
In northeastern Brazil, a region with extreme droughts and the smallest rainfall index in the whole country, water sources are crucial to ensure the survival of humans and nonhumans in this semi-arid region, known as sertão nordestino. Since the mid-twentieth century, classical cultural expressions focusing on this area have emphasized poverty in a desert of dry vegetation. Unlike romanticized portrayals of the backland in the...
Stockholm Resilience Centre is a collaboration between Stockholm University and the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
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