Research liaison officer
+46 8 674 78 82
Andrew Merrie is a research liaison officer with a particular focus on marine research
Merrie’s primary responsibilities are to establish and manage contacts with collaborating partners and funders and coordinate relevant research under the Keystone Dialogues Project, which provides scientific support to the science-business-policy initiative; Seafood Business for Ocean Stewardship.
More specifically, Merrie is responsible for coordinating the emerging technologies work from the SRC side within the SeaBOS initiative. He also keeps an active eye on the technology frontier to able to proactively develop new ideas around ways of incorporating emerging technologies into the activities and projects being undertaken in each of the SeaBOS working groups and across them in line with social-ecological systems thinking. Merrie is proactively looking for opportunities to initiate and nurture new partnerships with organisations of relevance to SeaBOS specifically and SRC more widely connecting marine science, sustainability and emerging technologies. Merrie will collaborate with researchers who are part of the Global Economic Dynamics and the Biosphere Programme at the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences around these themes and, he continues to develop his work on scenarios of the future ocean through his Radical Ocean Futures project.
Merrie also works with colleagues at the SRC to support the development of a vision for marine research at the frontier that can provide a foundation for new partnerships and attract new sources of funding to support continued exploration of emerging research frontiers.
Finally, he continues to be an active part of the SRC communications team and is responsible for maintaining SRC’s social media presence and co-develop campaigns to grow SRC’s community on social media. He continues to collaborate as needed with the SRC comms group on larger scale communications initiatives that have a social media component. i.e. the launch of high-profile scientific papers.